Boab | |
Adansonia gregorii | |
The Boab trees of WA are solid dependable water trees. Elephant like in their family groups. These trees are revered by the Native peoples, not only for the trees bounty but also for ceremonial purposes. Linked in myth with the spectacular termite mounds of the areas around the Boabs. The mounds sometimes meters high are grounding, balancing and working with the land energies in harmony with the trees. Sacred. | |
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Bush Tomato | |
Solanum diversiflorum | |
This essence has cooling qualities without being watery. Hara energies are supported and enhanced allowing for a grounded state, while the third eye or brow chakra is actively balanced. The power of this plant being the ability to help one coolly and calmly vocalise emotions, with the help of ones higher self clearly guiding the whole. | |
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Devils Marbles Native Cotton (NT) | |
Gossypium australe | |
a member of the malvaeseae family (Mallow)This flower essence has an energy of tender patience. Aspect of love from the earth nurturing all, especially the beauty of innocence and children. Also for inner child work and healing. |
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Graceful Cassia | |
Senna venusta | |
This elegant plant nods merrily in the wind. There is a lightness of touch in the whole gesture of the plant. The golden yellow bringing vivid light particularly to the Alta Major chakra. The marvellous symmetry of the leaves and their pairing down the main stem are well balanced. A delicate essence ideal for working on the centre of emotion. A gentle cleanser. | |
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Grey Mistletoe | |
Amyena quandang | |
The greeny grey flowers make an essence most helpful in enabling one to take responsibility for ones actions. Strengthening. | |
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Hoary Dampier (WA) | |
Dampiera incana | |
This spiky plant has many qualities. A protector of space with the penetrating blue of the flowers staring down the aeons of time, makes it a useful essence if one needs to get a grip on time; especially if you already have a plan. This Australian desert plant has a similar aspect to the hazel of the coppices of England. | |
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Morning Glory | |
Ipomoea muelleri | |
This happy plant can help us focus on reality. May enhance "happy coincidence" occurring. An ancient power plant. This essence has a playful nature, be sure of your intent & respect. | |
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Paddy Melon MacDonnell Ranges (NT) | |
Cucumis myricarpus | |
This essence clarifies the picture when the lines are blurred. This plant heightens intuition, in a very grounded way. With care and attention to detail, and by keeping ourselves whole and alert to subtle details, we encompass responsibility better. | |
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Pilbara Pea (Pilbara, WA) | |
Crotalaria benthamiana | |
An essence to support dispassionate ability to cut away bulky belief systems. A calm and amenable essence to work with. For quickly moving through emotional baggage without a backward look. Especially if you feel alienated by the disrespect man shows to the land. | |
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Yellow hibiscus | |
Hibiscus panduriformis | |
This large blousy flower gives an essence that effects the balance between male/female energies, on all levels emotional, sexual and mental. There is sheer joy and bubbly fun in this plant. A great mood lightener. | |
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